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What you can do with Zapier for Teams

Share and collaborate on you Zaps with your team

Collaborate and share access to Zaps with your entire team so you can work together on the workflows that power your business.

Create unlimited Zaps

Create 10 or create 1,000—we're giving you the freedom to automate the tasks that make your business run at its best.

Share the same app accounts with your team

Connect your team's favorite tools, like Trello, Dropbox, or Typeform, so everyone can use them in their workflows.

Pay per task, not per member

Team accounts include a pool of Tasks and grow with your team. If you need more, you only pay for what you use.

Access Zapier's premium features

Build advanced Zaps using Zapier's premium features such as Multi-Step Zap, premium apps, shorter syncing intervals, and Autoreplay.

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