
Showing posts from February, 2020

Bombshell : Donald Trump Jr says Democrats hoping for coronavirus disaster is 'new level of sickness'

Bombshell : Donald Trump Jr says Democrats hoping for coronavirus disaster is 'new level of sickness' Bombshell : Donald Trump Jr says Democrats hoping for coronavirus disaster is 'new level of sickness' Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:21 PM PST Rep. David Cicilline on Mick Mulvaney: "The idea that the chief of staff to the President of the United States would dismiss this very serious public health crisis and suggest to people that it's... Thank you for spending some time at my site : "www.tranganhnam.xyzand in my blog : I hope you come to visit again soon! You are subscribed to email updates from . To stop receiving these emails, you may unsubscribe now . Email delivery powered by Google Google, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States

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581 held Tasks are still waiting to be replayed

Hey there, Just a quick reminder that you still need to fix some issues with your Zapier account. To make sure we don't miss any of your Tasks, we're still holding 581 Tasks for at least 19 hours, 7 minutes before we start discarding them. Nothing to worry about, though: you won't lose your data from these held Tasks if you play them within 19 hours, 7 minutes. It's easy to get going again, you just need to: Upgrade your Plan. We're holding your Tasks because you reached your 100 Tasks limit on your Zapier plan. Replay your held Tasks. You can choose to play them individually or in bulk. Check out our blog post for more information . Don't want to receive these emails? You can pause your related Zaps here . If you have any questions about getting started with Zap...

Reminder: You are sharing your Google Photos library

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[Corona Virus] New comment on Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post " Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du... ": 特朗普的最大支持者認為冠狀病毒是一種深州圖 世界衛生組織仍拒絕將冠狀病毒爆發稱為大流行病,但隨著疾病傳播,感染和死亡人數繼續攀升。對於是否包含或減輕病毒是最好的選擇,公共衛生部門意見不一-但兩者都取決於是否可以說服唐納德·特朗普總統及其最陰謀累累的追隨者。 在周三晚上的新聞發布會上,特朗普讚揚了他的政府決定限制人們被診斷出患有感染的國家的旅行,並宣稱眾議院議長南希·佩洛西正試圖製造出於政治目的的恐慌,並宣布副總統邁克·彭斯將領導官方冠狀病毒的反應。特朗普說:"由於我們所做的一切,對美國人民的風險仍然很低。" "我們在我國的水平很低,而這些人正在變得越來越好。" 特朗普在新聞發布會上表示,他同意拉什·林博(Rush Limbaugh)(他在國情咨文中授予總統自由勳章的人)在本週的電台節目中所作的說法,即深國已將冠狀病毒製造為一種政治手段。 "推翻特朗普"的武器。 當記者周三晚上問他是否正在使爆發的致命危險最小化時,特朗普笑著開玩笑說這與流感沒有什麼不同。他說:"如果沒有必要,您不必抓住任何扶手。" 的確,美國的病例數仍然很低,僅診斷出14例。這是從高危地區遣返的39例案件(目前共有53例案件)。儘管如此,仍在為情況惡化做準備。 目前,全球有81,000例病例,有2,700例死亡,其中大部分在中國。但是,隨著伊朗,意大利和韓國的爆發,美國疾病預防控制中心(CDC)國家免疫和呼吸系統疾病中心主任南希·梅森尼爾(Nancy Messonnier)週五暗示,距離美國官員開始談論停課和商談可能僅幾週時間。噹噹局準備就緒時,總統,一些行政官員和盟友要么毫無根據地吹噓我們將如何遏制這種疾病,要么在傳播關於這種疾病的陰謀論。 週一,特朗普在印度進行首次國事訪問時發推文說:"在美國,冠狀病毒非常受到控制。我們與所有人和所有相關國家都有聯繫。"兩天后,總統翻了一番,反對媒體散佈歇斯底里的言論。 他寫道:"低評級假新聞MSDNC(sic)(Co...

[Corona Virus] New comment on Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post " Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du... ": 特朗普概述了美国对冠状病毒的反应,让彭斯负责 特朗普总统周三宣布,冠状病毒对美国公众构成了"非常低"的风险-他选择了副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)牵头政府遏制它的努力。 特朗普在白宫新闻发布会上与来自疾病控制和预防中心的专家一起说:"我们在这里拥有世界上最伟大的专家。" "我们已经准备好适应疾病的蔓延,并尽一切努力-如果疾病蔓延。" 由于致命病毒已在全球感染了81,000多人,主要在中国,造成近3,000人死亡,特朗普吹捧他的政府早日采取的行动-例如拒绝进入最近到中国的非公民入境。 他说:"由于我们所做的一切,对美国人民的风险仍然很小。"他补充说,一开始他的决定是"荒谬的"。 特朗普指出,正在对来自冠状病毒感染地区的旅行者进行筛查,并对那些受到感染或有感染风险的人进行隔离。 卫生官员周三说,在美国已经确认了3例新的COVID-19病例,使病例总数达到60例,其中绝大多数是从日本受感染的游轮上撤离的人。 特朗普说,专家们也在努力开发一种疫苗。美国国立卫生研究院的安东尼·福西博士告诉记者,它可能在几个月内就可以进行试验了。 特朗普提到他的政府已向国会申请25亿美元的绿灯以帮助对抗该病毒,并承认共和党人和民主党人都想花更多钱。 特朗普说:"我们将花费一切适当的钱。" "希望我们不必花那么多钱,因为我们真的认为我们在将成本降至最低方面做得很好。" 彭斯将与联邦高级卫生官员和冠状病毒特别工作组一起监督该反应,他称赞了迄今为止政府的努力。 彭斯说:"特朗普总统执政初期就明确表示,我们没有比美国人的安全,保障,健康和福祉更高的优先级。" 冠状病毒特别工作组负责人卫生和公共服务部长亚历克斯·阿扎尔(Alex Azar)概述了其目标。 "第一,扩大我们的监视网络,第二,支持州和地方政府的工作,第三和第四,开发疗法和疫苗,第五,制造和购买诸如长袍和口罩之类的个人防护设备,...

[Corona Virus] New comment on Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post " Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du... ": 特朗普任命便士负责牵头应对,争相遏制从冠状病毒威胁到美国的后果。 唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统知道,总统因犯下危机而受到残酷审判。总统乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)对迈克尔·布朗(Michael Brown)说:"布朗尼,你正在做一份工作"而受到广泛的嘲笑。特朗普本人称,奥巴马总统的《平价医疗法案》(Affordable Care Act)的注册网站在2013年糟糕的推出是"彻底的灾难"。他说,在2014年,奥巴马总统因在埃博拉疫情爆发期间没有阻止从非洲起飞的航班而感到"羞愧"。 特朗普本周早些时候离开印度返回华盛顿时,总统很生气地看到市场对冠状病毒的蔓延做出反应-以及他自己的疾病控制中心警告美国人应该做好准备。 因此,周三,特朗普决定走在前面,在白宫简报室召开了一次罕见的黄金时段新闻发布会。他的工作人员争先恐后地把它们放在一起。一位白宫官员说:"他在印度很生气",觉得他的政府正在媒体和市场上就其处理冠状病毒而"被杀"。 在特朗普走出去见新闻界的一个小时内,他告诉公共卫生人员,他将宣布将由副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)负责冠状病毒的应对,并呼吁彭斯作为印第安纳州州长处理应对健康危机的经验。在那种状态。这位官员说:"这是比赛时间的决定。" 在长达57分钟的新闻发布会上,总统低估了病毒带来的风险,这与他自己的公共卫生官员相矛盾。特朗普说:"对美国人民的风险仍然很低。" "我们在这里拥有世界上最伟大的专家。我们已经做好了适应的准备,并且已经准备好尽一切所能应对疾病的蔓延(如果蔓延的话)。" 任命彭斯的决定和即兴通报会似乎是特朗普承认特朗普的冠状病毒威胁对他的总统职位构成了严峻挑战。就在他寻求连任之际,他一直在发挥自己的权力,对弹survive幸存和特别顾问罗伯特·穆勒(Robert Mueller)的调查感到鼓舞。他的支持率-仍平均低...

[Corona Virus] New comment on Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post " Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du... ": 「私はそれを予想していません」と、コロナウイルスの皇帝の最終的な任命を予見するかどうか尋ねられたとき、アザールは言いました。「これは非常にうまくいきます。それがうまくいかないか、変化があるならば、それは大統領が決めることです」 アザールの水曜日の議員との会談の後、デラウロは秘書をコメントでscり、大統領が経済状態に夢中になっていることが、潜在的な皇帝の審議に影響を与える可能性があることを示唆した。 「これらの問題に関して今日私たちが抱えているこの環境でひっくり返ることは価値がない」と彼女は言い、次のように付け加えた。大統領の心?」 オクラホマ州下院歳出委員会の共和党のトップであるトム・コール議員は、ホワイトハウスが任命したコロナウイルス皇帝にある程度の関心を表明したが、政治的背景を持つ人物をこの役割に入れることには警告した。 「政治家を連れてくるというアイデアが好きかどうかはわかりません。医療専門家を連れてきたいのなら、それは理にかなっています。」とコールは言います。 、そしてあなたが生物医学的危機にあるとき、あなたはあなたの医師と科学者に耳を傾けます。」 水曜日の初め、トランプ氏はコロナウイルスに対する公衆衛生上の懸念が高まり、米国に対する脅威について警告したCDC当局者と再び対立する中、不適切にストーブをかけるパニックであると報道機関を非難した。 トランプ大統領は記者会見の計画を発表したが、それは水曜日の朝にワシントンに戻ってから数分後の火曜日の夜に発表されたホワイトハウスのスケジュールにはなかった。 「ちょうど上陸しました。インドは素晴らしく、旅行は非常に成功しました。ホワイトハウスに向かいます。今日予定されている会議と電話」と、トランプはツイッターで、空軍がアンドリュース基地に着陸してから28分後に書いた。「@ CDCgov、@ SecAzarおよびすべて コロナウイルスに関して素晴らしい仕事をしています!今日の午後にブリーフィング。 1時間半後、大統領はメディアを非難し、MSNBCとCNNがコロナウイルスの脅威に過剰に...

[Corona Virus] New comment on Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post " Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du... ": 議員はコロナウイルスの反応を調整することについてトランプチームとスパー 議員たちは、水曜日にトランプ大統領にコロナウイルスの脅威への対応を強化するよう圧力をかけた。これは、新しい皇帝を通じてはるかに多くの資金とより良い調整を行い、ドナルド・トランプ大統領が副大統領を任命するまで政権が議論した動きだ。 水曜日に共和党と民主党の支出指導者が密室で集まったため、議員たちは、今週初めにトランプ自身の支出要求をはるかに超える巨大な緊急資金パッケージで議会の対応を計画し始めました。 交渉に詳しい人々によると、交渉担当者は60億ドルから80億ドルの緊急資金調達法案について議論しているが、その数字は依然として流動的である。 「すべてが超党派のままであると仮定すると、主要な問題はタイミングのままである」と民主党の補佐官は言った。 民主党と共和党の両方の議員は、勃発に対抗するための25億ドルの政府の緊急要請が不十分であると非難しました。これは、わずか12億5000万ドルの新しいお金を要求し、エボラと戦うための5億3500万ドルの連邦資金を吸い上げます。 「これは悪いことだ」と下院予算委員会の議員であるTom Cole(R-Okla。)議員は、コロナウイルスの水曜日に言った。「しかし、米国でエボラ出血熱が発生した場合、それは壊滅的だろう。ですから、私たちはここでペニーやバカバカになるべきではありません。別の何かを考え出す必要があります。」 上院少数党首のチャック・シューマー(DN.Y.)は、火曜日に政府がエボラ資金への削減なしで少なくとも31億ドルへの要求を増やすことを要求した後、水曜日にコロナウイルスと戦うために85億ドルの緊急資金を要求する競合する資金提案を発表しました。 下院議員のケビン・マッカーシー(R-Calif。)議員は、40億ドルに近い補足パッケージを検討していました。 「20億ドルはやや低いと思う」とトランプの緊密な同盟国であるマッカーシー氏は、毎週の記者会見で記者団に語った。「このプロセスでおそらく40億ドルを見ていると思う。 」 ...

[Corona Virus] New comment on Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post " Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du... ": 도널드 트럼프, 마이크 코 펜스, 미국 코로나 바이러스 대응 담당 도널드 트럼프는 수요일 마이크 코 펜스 부통령에게 코로나 바이러스에 대한 미국의 대응책을 맡았다. 트럼프는 바이러스의 잠재적 영향에 대해 미국인들을 안심시키기 위해 길고 혼란스럽고 종종 혼란스러운 연설에서 미국인들에 대한 위험은"매우 낮다"고 말했다. 펜스의 발표는 캘리포니아 주 질병 통제 센터 (Centers for Disease Control)가 미국 이외의 지역으로 여행하거나 확인 된 사례와 접촉하지 않고 바이러스에 감염되었다는 보고서를 발표했다. 트럼프 대통령은 수요일 민주당이 미국의 대응을 강화하기 위해 수십억 달러가 필요하다고 말하더라도"적절한 것은 무엇이든"지출 할 준비가되어 있다고 말했다. 트럼프는 이번 주 초 의회에 바이러스와 싸우기 위해 25 억 달러를 긴급 자금으로 지출해야한다고 말했다. 트럼프는 펜스가 질병 통제 예방 센터 (CDC), 국립 보건원 (NIH), 국토 안보부 (DHS) 및 기타 정부 기관과 협력하여 대응을 조정할 것이라고 밝혔다. 트럼프는"무슨 일이 벌어 졌든 완전히 준비되었습니다.  코로나 바이러스가 세계적인 불황을 일으킬까요? 제프리 프랭클  더 읽어보기 기자 회견을 통해 트럼프는 미국 전역에서 바이러스의 영향에 대한 두려움을 최소화하기 위해 노력했으며, 매년 독감에 의해 사망 ​​한 사람이 몇 명인지 최근에 얼마나 놀랐는지 놀랐습니다. 그러나 연단에 모인 여러 ​​보건 당국자들은 미국인들이 더 광범위한 발병이 될 수있는 일에 대비해야한다고 강조했다. "미국의 여기에있는 우리의 공격적인 격리 전략은 현재까지 진행되어 왔으며 지금까지의 낮은 수준의 사건에 대한 책임이 있습니다. 그러나 우리는 ...

[Corona Virus] New comment on Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post " Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du... ": An awkward spot for health bureaucrats Government health experts onstage with Trump had to tread a difficult line -- between honoring their professional assessments and avoiding angering the President, who dislikes being contradicted. "Our aggressive containment strategy here in the United States has been working and is responsible for the low levels of cases that we have so far. However, we do expect more cases, and this is a good time to prepare," said Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, delivered the sobering news that even with an unusually accelerated process of development and testing, it could be a year to a year-and-a-half before a vaccine becomes available. His assessment contrasts with Trump's hints th...

[Corona Virus] New comment on Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post " Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du... ": Presidents lead in fearful times Trump's main aim Wednesday seemed to be to minimize the threat. He went out of his way to compare the novel coronavirus to the seasonal flu -- and marveled that so many Americans succumb to that ailment each year. Presidents get judged on their handling of national crises. And Trump's appearance left many questions unanswered. Among them is whether he will be guided by science or politics in fighting the virus. Another is whether he has the capacity to rally the nation behind him if things take a turn for the worse. It's not a given that Trump has the self-discipline to manage the emergency and avoid counterproductive political grandstanding. The President can be sure of staunch support from his base whatever happens, so any sense that a botched response could do for his presidency what the disastrous Hurricane Katrina r...

[Corona Virus] New comment on Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post " Sinabi ni Trump na ang bakuna ng coronavirus na du... ": Trump takes a victory lap early on in the coronavirus fight President Donald Trump wants America to know he's doing a great job in keeping out the novel coronavirus, in a victory lap that could look premature if his own experts are correct in their more somber forecasts. The President spoke at a news conference on Wednesday about the worldwide health emergency that has seen the virus sweep into South Korea, Italy and every continent but Antarctica, sounding as if the danger had already passed rather than was yet to arrive. "The risk to the American people remains very low," Trump said, as he unveiled his big announcement: Vice President Mike Pence will head the government effort. The President's optimistic performance came hours before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said a patient in California who has the novel coronavirus might b...

The Morning Joe panel continues its discussion on Elizabeth Warren tries to paint Bloomberg as a racist as Super Tuesday approaches

The Morning Joe panel continues its discussion on Elizabeth Warren tries to paint Bloomberg as a racist as Super Tuesday approaches The Morning Joe panel continues its discussion on Elizabeth Warren tries to paint Bloomberg as a racist as Super Tuesday approaches Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:50 AM PST Sen. Elizabeth Warren attacked Bloomberg over allegations, reported by The Washington Post, that Bloomberg had told a saleswoman to "kill it" after he found out that she was pregnant and then... Thank you for spending some time at my site : "www.tranganhnam.xyzand in my blog : I hope you come to visit again soon! The View co-host Meghan McCain says Steyer should drop out: ‘I hate that guy — he should drop the hell out’ Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:05 PM PST Meghan McCain called on billionaire activist Tom Steyer to "drop the hell out" of the 2020 race for the Democratic nominati...

[Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on The Morning Joe panel continues its discussion on ....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post " The Morning Joe panel continues its discussion on ... ": Mọi người xem tập 9 của The Flash để ý cái đoạn ở đảo luyện ngục khi linh hồn của Oliver nhận ra bạn bè của minh thì có một nhân vật lạ xuất hiện và kêu Oliver đi theo là Jim Corrigan đi theo ta phải biết "Jim Corrigan là The Spectre" là Sứ giả của đấng tạo hóa The One Above All người tạo ra mọi thứ trong Vũ trụ sơ khai và đa vũ trụ, cả thế giới vật chất và vật chất tối (phản vật chất). Có sứ giả của đấng tạo hóa ở đây chỉ điểm cho Oliver và rồi Oliver lại có sức mạnh của The Spectre tức Oliver lúc này lại trở thành sứ giả của đấng tạo hóa do đó mới có sức mạnh đấu lại Anti-Monitor. Vậy thì nhất định thắng rồi. Và khi Oliver tái tạo một vũ trụ mới thì Monitor vẫn tồn tại bằng chứng năm 2040 đưa vợ của Oliver tới một thế giới khác do Monitor tạo ra trong đó ông đã hồi sinh Oliver cho 2 người sống hạnh phúc bên nhau. Như vậy Anti-Moniter trong thế giới mới do...

[Trang Ánh Nam] New comment on The Morning Joe panel continues its discussion on ....

Erin Burnett has left a new comment on your post " The Morning Joe panel continues its discussion on ... ": Tin "Nóng" là cuộc hội quân của ba nữ nhân Hollywood tài sắc vẹn toàn - Charlize Theron (Megyn Kelly), Nicole Kidman (Gretchen Carlson) và Margot Robbie (Kayla Pospisil) - trong vai những phóng viên của hãng đế chế truyền thông quyền lực nhất nước Mỹ Fox News. Bộ ba kiều nữ sẽ tiết lộ câu chuyện về vụ bê bối rúng động cả nước Mỹ năm 2016, làm sụp đổ sự nghiệp của ông trùm truyền thông Roger Ailes. Unsubscribe from comment emails for this blog. Posted by Erin Burnett to Trang Ánh Nam at February 26, 2020 at 7:48 AM

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